Recapping Lost Long After Anyone Stopped Giving a Crap – Walkabout

Note: I am so sorry that this is so extremely late. For once it was not my shitty scheduling skills which delayed this but my own stupidity. This was actually written a few days after Tabula Rasa but apparently I never clicked publish. It has been living as a draft ever since and not as a fully fledged post as I had though. I’m very sorry for the delay but finally here it is. I hope it was worth the unintended wait.

So last episode did not stand up to memories but boy did this one. So good viewing but possibly less funny recapping.

The episode opens with a shot of Locke coming to after the crash. Theg chaos is raging around him but he is lying perfectly still. Then he begins wiggling his toe. His shoe is nearby and he reaches for it before sitting up. He moves very slowly, seeming disorientated and confused. Which is understandable, he was just in a plane crash.

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