Recapping Lost Long After Anyone Stopped Giving a Crap – Tabula Rasa

‘Remember that time you said you’d recap Lost and then you quit after two episodes, both of whic were the pilot.’

Hey remember how fuck you?!’ Seriously though there were a whole load of reasons I stopped recapping, moving country, shitty internet connection in said country, the worst writer’s block of my life, moving back to Ireland, life in general, having the ending spoiled for me and thinking there was no real point then. However today I was reading Lindsey Williams’ kickass Classic Who recap blogĀ and it made me want to do this again and so here I am.

Before I jump into the recap I want to talk about this episode title. Tabula Rasa means blank slate in Latin and it seems to be the most used episode title ever. I know common phrases tend to be overused in the land of TV but before Criminal Minds I had never heard this phrase (I’ve heard it a tonne of times after obviously). Is it actually commonly used and I just never heard it or are TV writers just trying to jazz up their scripts? ‘Cause y’know Latin is so modern and current (says the girl with a Latin name).

So the episode opens with Shrapnel Cop telling Jack not to trust her, she’s dangerous but Continue reading