Recapping Lost Long After Everyone Stopped Giving A Crap – Pilot Part 2

This episode is quite boring so the recap probably will be as well, sorry.

We rejoin Jack, Charlie and Kate on their way back to camp. They all seem in reasonably okay moods for people who saw some mystery creature kill a man. Jack is trying to get the transceiver to work but with no luck. Kate asks Charlie what he was doing in the bathroom and he tells her vomiting and how he’s worthless or something. She tells him that’s not true and she’s glad he came which is totally untrue because she spent the whole time mooning over Jack and ignoring Charlie completely.

And now it’s time for flashback number three, this time it’s Charlie’s story. He’s acting super agitated and twitchy so a flight attendant asks him if she can help. He says no but he’srude about it so she goes back to tell all the other flight attendants about him.

Maybe I’m being naive but it seems a bit of a jump for the attendant to be so suspicious of Charlie. Yes he’s being fidgety and doesn’t look so good and yes he was rude but some people are afraid of flying and some of those people are assholes. After talking to the other two the flight attendant starts to go back to Charlie, he sees her and decides the best course of action is to runaway because that doesn’t look suspicious at all.

So off he goes, the hostess in hot pursuit. We get to see him push past Jack again and once again there’s no screen cap of this. He also pushes past Shannon. There is a cap of this which is unintentionally hilarious.

So Charlie makes it to the first class toilets as the hostess has to stop to tell all passengers to return to their seats when the turbulence begins. Safely locked in the bathroom Charlie is not an asshole afraid of flying but, as all TV rockstars, a drug addict. He removes the drugs from the brilliant hiding place of his shoe. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to see Charlie pulling a baggy out of his ass but his shoe?! People have gotten caught with drugs in their stomachs and he gets on the plane with it in his shoe?!

The flight attendants have reached the door now and are asking Charlie to come out. He takes a quick hit and then throws the baggy into the toilet, ready to flush. He hesitates for a second and then, too fast for anyone to screen cap it would seem, he hits the roof, literally. He leaves the bathroom, flight attendants now gone and buckles himself into a nearby seat.

We return to he island to see Shannon sunbathing because she’s currently working the spoilt rich girl angle.

Her brother, Boone (I hope that’s a nickname) tells her she should get off her ass and help them search through cases. She says he’s wasting his time, that they’re going to get rescued soon. She then has a brief chat with Clare who confides she hasn’t felt the baby move since yesterday and Shannon does not react in any way shape or form.

Sun and Jin are out near the water doing…er something. Jin is collecting what I think is some sort of sea creature but may be coral. Michael approaches and asks Sun if they’ve seen Walt. Sun says…something (we’re not given subtitles) and then is yelled at by Jin for having the top button of her cardigan undone (this is clear because she does it up). Michael realises that their relationship is all kinds of unhealthy and continues looking for Walt. He finds Walt who, while looking for Vincent, his dog, has found some handcuffs. They make it back to the island just in time to find Sawyer and Sayid fighting.

Jack and Michael break it up, Michael tells Jack his son found handcuffs and Jack, understandably deals with the more pressing issue at hand. Sawyer accused Sayid of terrorism because he barely moved during the flight, the man beside him died and he got pulled out of the line before boarding. And also he’s a racist asshole. Jack lets everyone know they found the transceiver but it’s broken and asks can anyone fix it. Sayid says he can which of course goes down well with Sawyer.

Sayid goes to fix the transceiver and Hurley joins him and says he likes him and says Sawyer is an asshole. Then he finds out Sayid is ex-army and someone not noticing Sayid’s accent is definitely not American they have an uncomfortable conversation about the gulf war where it emerges Sayid is Iraqi.

We then get a shot of Kate bathing. I totally would complain about the gratuitous amount of time she takes to tie up here hair if it weren’t for Sun stumbling into the scene; cardigan buttoned up all the way. Kate stands there, her underwear a stark contrast, while she tries to understand what Sun is attempting to communicate. She must eventually understand because she nods ans Sun smiles but I have no idea what happens. I thought Sun was asking Kate to follow her but the next scene is of Kate in clean clothes talking to Sayid.

He’s got the radio working but they don’t have any signal and broadcasting blind will probably get them no where and drain the battery so he proposes the best thing to do is climb to higher ground. A lot higher ground.

I probably should have mentioned the guy with shrapnel in his chest in my last recap.

Well I’m mentioning him now.

Since rescue looks like it might take a while Jack has decided to try remove the shrapnel. Kate. who said last episode she had sat beside him, looks less than thrilled with this news. She then tells Jack she’s going on a hike. Jack freaks the fuck out (she hasn’t even mentioned that it involves climbing a cliff yet) but eventually comes round to it. He warns her though ‘If you see or hear anything, run.’ Oh how helpful. She was planning to stand stock still and do nothing.

Jin is finished collecting…whatever it was he was collecting. Sun goes to take some but he slaps her hand away and walks off with the tray. She looks after him and then undoes the top button.

Jin comes across Hurley and offers him some of the apparently edible thing he collected. Hurley, knowing Jin can’t speak English, realises he has to make it really clear he’s being a dick and laughs in Jin’s face at the offer of eating…whatever it is.

Walt is reading a comic which seems to be about some sort of psycho polar bear. Michael notices the comic is in Spanish and asks Walt if he can read Spanish. This is the writer’s oh so subtle way of letting us know Michael doesn’t know his son all that well. The second hint is him offering to get Walt a new dog whenever they get off the island.

Meanwhile Jack tells Hurley to gather up any prescription drugs he can find in bags while Charlie is off in the jungle doing drugs he probably weren’tt prescribed. Shannon is crying because she found the dead body of some guy she was apparently mean to. Boone calls her useless so she decided to go on the hike with Kate and Sayid. She asks a high Charlie if he’s going and he says he is. We see Sawyer reading a piece of paper and looking teary and then the next scene is Kate asking him why he decided to come.

We then get a scene of them climbing a cliff. Sayid and Boon help Shannon, Sawyer helps Kate and once again no-one gives a fuck about Charlie.

No wonder he’s a heroin addict.

Back at camp Jack tells Michael he saw Vincent in the jungle and he looked fine. Michael takes off to look for Vincent which means Walt is left playing backgammon with Locke. Now in a normal show this scene might seem a bit…er…inappropriate but these are people stranded on an island and the boy, whose dog is missing and mother is dead, never saw backgammon before. So Locke playing with him doesn’t seem so odd. Then he asks ‘Do you want to know a secret?’ and all kind of alarm bells go off.

Clare is writing in her journal when Jin offers her some food. She’s wary but unlike Hurley she has some fucking manners and tries it. The baby moves and she freaks out making Jin all kinds of uncomfortable. 

Kate and co. are on flatter ground and Sayid and Sawyer are fighting over whether to turn on the transceiver or not when some sort of animal begins rushing towards them. Afraid it’s the tree breaking thing everyone runs for cover. Except Sawyer who stands still for an inordinate amount of time before pulling out a gun and shooting the thing. Like I said last time, badass.

Everyone returns and they find out the thing was a bear. A polar bear. Weird to find on an island in the southern hemisphere but not big enough to break trees or cast shadows like the ones Charlie and Kate saw in the cockpit so not the monster.

Back at camp  Jack is ready to attempt removing the shrapnel. He asks Hurley to hold the guy down in case he wakes up. Hurley says he’s not good with blood and Jack goes to find someone who isn’t squeamish in the slightest. Oh wait no he just tell Hurley not to look. This choice does not come back to bite him in the ass in any way.

Back to the others now and Kate asks where Sawyer got the gun. He says he took it off the body of an air Marshall. He knows he was a Marshall because he also took his badge. Kate disarms him. Sayid, while telling Kate how to take apart the gun, says Sawyer’s happening to find a Marshall was unlikely and he is the prisoner whose handcuffs Walt found. Sawyer at first denies it but then says maybe he is to end the argument. Kate gives the bullets to Sayid and the gun back to Sawyer. He grabs her arm and tells her he knows her type, he’s been with girls like her, she says  she’s not the exact same or something equally as lame and then storms off. No-one seems to think maybe they should follow her, after all the jungle contains a fucking a polar bear and something even scarier. But no worries because now we have time for flashback numero tres.

And oh luck at that, Kate’s the prisoner and the cop transporting her is the guy Jack is currently pulling the shrapnel out of.

She says she has a favour to ask him but then turbulence hits and he’s knocked out by falling suitcase  She couldn’t reach her oxygen mask restrained so she stole the keys from the marshall’s pocket and undid her handcuffs. She put a mask on herself and the marshall.

Sayid comes up to Kate just as she finishes remembering. He doesn’t bother asking how she is or even saying Sawyer’s a dick but instead says the have to move on. Jack, having moved Hurley, is trying to stop the bleeding. The Marshall wakes up and instead of asking where is he, what the fuck is going and who’s the passed out fat dude? asks ‘Where is she?’ Jack, not being privy to Kate’s flashback has no clue who he means.

The hikers reach an area high enough to get signal. Sayid tries to send out a mayday but receives feedback as there is a signal transmitting from somewhere else on the island. They pick up the transmission which is in French. It is on a loop and between each iteration there is a counter which says how many times it has been played. Sayid, based on the transmissions length begins calculating how long it has been transmitting. Shannon translates the message which is a woman asking for help. She says she is alone now, it killed all the others. After this cheery bit of news Sayid lets them know that the transmission has been on a loop for sixteen years and five months.

In other words, they’re fucked.

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